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Lear Supplier Sustainability Minimum Requirements and SAQ Validation Criteria 2023

September 26, 2023


Suppliers Bulletin

Dear Valued Supplier, 

Lear appreciates your great cooperation since we began the launch of Lear’s Sustainability Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) in year 2020. As of the end of 2022, we have successfully completed more than 2,800 supplier site assessments. We thank you for your continued efforts on sustainability and collectively helping Lear’s journey in Making every drive better™. 

Supplier sustainability is evolving. Governments around the world are passing laws and regulations that require companies to disclose information about their sustainability actions and progress. Automakers are requiring suppliers to ensure transparency and responsible supply chain management. To align with the changing landscape of supplier sustainability, Lear requires all suppliers to review the latest enhanced Lear Supplier Sustainability - Minimum Requirements, attached to this communication. 

Recognizing the importance of assessing and addressing sustainability risks in our global value chain, Lear monitors our supply chain risks on an ongoing basis. Our efforts continue to evolve to meet customer requirements and support our suppliers while preparing for legislation from governments. 

Lear has developed an internal risk analysis framework and suppliers that are identified within this framework will be asked to complete SAQ 5.0, which covers the same general categories as SAQ 4.0 with more in-depth analysis. The latest Lear Supplier Sustainability – Minimum Requirements outlines the validation criteria that will be applied to the new SAQ 5.0 assessment. 

To ensure that suppliers are guided accordingly, Lear will be hosting live training sessions regarding SAQ 5.0 completion along with the latest Lear specific SAQ validation criteria. You will be receiving direct notifications and instructions from sustainability@lear.com to participate in this training. 

For questions, you can send an email to sustainability@lear.com.

Thank you for your support and continued efforts. 

Lear Supplier Sustainability - Minimum Requirements 2023

Making every
drive better.